Perspectives On Inner-City Biking Lanes

Much more research needs to be done in the realm of transportation engineering and to create a safer driving environment for everyone. Everyone means, for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists alike.

Transportation engineers faced with the challenge to create a safe path for different uses when many users active at one time, it may be a headache to ensure an adequate road space for all types of people. You can get more details via about bike lane markings.

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If you are a cyclist you know there is a big risk while doing cycling along the road with the car. It makes you restless and always alert. However, you get in your car and understand the hassles of sharing the road with bicycles.

Without a marked bicycle lane, studies have shown that the car will veer away from the bike much more than necessary and disrupt the path to the next, making the car came dangerously close to each other.

This creates a dangerous driving environment due to the increased possibility of flicker. However, with the striped bike lanes, space is defined and there is no confusion.

Bike lanes have been put on the road also creates a safer environment for pedestrians. The sad truth is, even though the ability to share the road for cars and bikes alike, accidents can happen. And it is more than likely going to be a fatal accident when it involves moving cars and cyclists without helmets.

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